Community Action Connections


Supportive Housing Department

720 W Court St, Upstairs

Hours: M-F | 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM & 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Phone: (509) 545-4042
(509) 786-3379 - Prosser

Home Base

Community Action Connections

Pasco - 720 W Court Street - (509) 545-4042 (8-11:30 AM & 1-4:00 PM)

Prosser - 424 6th St, #2 - (509) 786-3379  Fax # (509) 786-3359

Prosser Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. (9:00 AM -12:00 PM & 1-4:00 PM)

CAC has a variety of funding sources for housing assistance each with its own set of eligibility criteria.

All programs at a minimum require documentation that the household lacks both of the following.

  • Sufficient financial resources and

  • Support networks to obtain/retain housing

Services are not guaranteed and subject to funding availability.

Services may include: 

Housing Emergency Assistance:

If you are experiencing a financial hardship due to COVID-19 and unable to pay rent or mortgage and you live in Benton and Franklin WA, you may qualify for assistance. To apply, please press HERE.

Está teniendo dificultades financieras debido al COVID-19 y no puede pagar su renta o hipoteca y vives en los Condados de Benton y Franklin, podría calificar para asistencia. Para aplicar oprima Aquí.

Homeless Prevention

Assistance for those individuals/families who are at-risk of becoming homeless. (At-Imminent Risk or At-Risk of Literal Homelessness) Service for households who have received a notice to vacate their current housing due to non-payment of rent. Must have a documented crisis and be able to have the ability to sustain housing. Accept referrals from HRC only.

Rapid Re-Housing

 Assistance provided for households who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate shelter/cover at night. (Literally Homeless) Must be able to sustain the housing. Accept referrals from HRC only.

Permanent Supportive Housing

Assistance for single individuals who are chronically homeless, who have a disabling condition, and are living on the street or in an emergency shelter. Must meet eligibility guidelines. Eligibility conducted through CAC or referral from the HRC.

Regionally Assisted Collaborative Housing (REACH)

Criteria / Eligibility: Have a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS.

Referal Process: Eligibility conducted through CAC or referral from Health Care Provider (HRC).

Description: The REACH program provides Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA), Short-Term Rent, Mortgage or Utility Assistance (STRUMU), Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) and Supportive Services (SS).

The program serves a six County Region.

Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

  Program is targeted to very low-income households with children who lack funding for housing sustainability and could benefit from a longer term subsidy. Eligibility conducted through CAC or referral from the HRC.